In our community and around the country, countless people are adapting to a new way of doing things. Many people are now working from home, at least temporarily, or they may have been furloughed or laid off. Those who are already retired may find themselves with less to do. But no matter your situation, we’re all taking it one day at a time.
At the firm, we’ve certainly been taking it one day at a time. While our physical office may be closed for the time being, our attorneys and staff have all set up shop in their homes. We continue to work with clients and their families, just not in-person. We’ve gone virtual!
This helps keep our team working and active, even though we have put some of our normal activities on hold. As we transitioned from an office environment to an at-home workplace, there were challenges, but we got through them. It was well worth doing to make sure our team stays employed — and that no one gets sick.
Everything from client meetings to our Wednesday Workshops have gone virtual. Thanks to the capabilities of modern technology, we can talk with clients from anywhere on the phone or over apps like Zoom, which allows for text, talk, and video chat. Basically, we can communicate with anyone who has a computer and internet access.
We’ve even been able to adapt document signing. In the event that a client needs to sign something, we can get the documents to their home and they can provide witnesses at their residence. They sign and we then retrieve the documents. There may be a few extra steps, but it works, and it keeps everyone safe!
Our Wednesday Workshops are still happening, and you can join them online. For the foreseeable future, all of our workshops will take place online. Once the governor’s “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order is lifted, we’ll reevaluate and make adjustments — and that goes for all of our services. Stay tuned for updates as we go.
On a personal note, my son is home from Virginia. As you know, my older son was working in Virginia, but as the state is on pretty much full lockdown (at least at the time of this writing), he decided to come home so he wouldn’t be so isolated.
It’s been nice from a family standpoint. Both of my sons are home, and we’re getting to spend some quality time together. It almost makes up for our canceled March Madness Final Four trip! My daughter is at her own home, but we maintain contact through phone and video calls.
My mother has penned herself up at her Florida home. She’s been safe, but it’s hard knowing we can’t go down and visit. But FaceTiming makes that distance feel a little shorter and allows us to share updates with one another. Small things like this can make a big difference.
And along those same lines, we’re trying to find little ways to help around the community. We’ve been buying gift cards from local restaurants and ordering carryout a few times a week to support them. Not only is this a great way to help support these businesses in times of need, but it’s also a great way to try new things, too.
In the meantime, I wish you and your family the best. Stay safe, stay healthy, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch! We’ll get through this, and we’ll see you soon.