When you enter your retirement years, there will be changes to multiple aspects of your life. Some of your primary concerns will probably involve healthcare coverage, income, paying for long-term care, and estate planning. Each area is complex and has its own laws and requirements. Therefore, to address all of your legal needs successfully and comprehensively it is vital that you have the assistance of an Elder Law attorney.
What is an Elder Law Attorney?
When hiring an attorney, it is essential that you choose someone who is dedicated to the area with which you require assistance. Otherwise, you may end up working with counsel who lacks critical expertise and knowledge about your issues. An Elder Law attorney is an individual who focuses on legal issues affecting seniors and their families. When an attorney is “certified” in Elder Law, it means that they have extensive experience in this area and have completed specific training regarding senior issues, all as required by the National Elder Law Foundation.
What is Different about Elder Law?
Unlike other legal specializations, which are about a single topic, Elder Law can involve many different laws and concepts. For instance, an Elder Law attorney can provide advice regarding complicated areas such as Medicare, Medicaid, nursing home asset protection, Social Security, wills, trusts, long-term care, and estate planning, as well as guardianship and conservatorship.
Using an Experienced Elder Law Attorney
There are a multitude of legal matters which pertain to seniors, therefore Elder Law attorneys must take a holistic approach with their clients by evaluating several aspects of their lives to determine their legal needs. For instance, a client may come in to discuss drafting a will and find after talking with their Elder Law attorney that they also need a patient advocate designation and power of attorney for their finances. Additionally, this area of the law involves different state and federal statutes which change frequently. Unlike an inexperienced practitioner, an Elder Law attorney will be aware of the different statutes and related rules as well as any critical changes which apply to you.
Hiring an attorney to protect your legal interest is an important decision. When you choose an Elder Law attorney, you are helping to ensure that you have someone with the expertise and experience to comprehensively manage all of your legal needs. Glenn Matecun is one of only a handful of Michigan Certified Elder Law Attorneys and has nearly 30 years of experience assisting clients with their Elder Law needs. We can help you protect your assets and plan for the future. Please contact us online or by phone if we may be of assistance.