As a Michigan elder law attorney, I regularly meet with families in the midst of turmoil who must make tough decisions about a loved one.  If you are a caregiver for your mother or father, husband or wife, or other loved one, you know how hard it can be.  Sometimes you feel like you’re alone on an island – no help, not sure where to turn for guidance through the maze of options.Michigan elder law attorney provided elder care consulting

I just read a great blog about an amazing woman who I rely on to help families during these difficult times.  Her name is Julie Haskins-White, and she is the owner of Creative Eldercare Consultants, LLC.  Julie brings over 20 years of professional health care experience to the table.  Her services range from assessing clients for social, financial and health care needs, working one-one-one with families to make care and housing transitions, and much, much more.

Here is the link to the blog about Julie and her services.  I would add more, but the blog about her (written by an unsolicited third party) says it all.

Creative Eldercare Consultants

If you need someone you can trust to help you with care and placement decisions for a loved one, you can reach Julie at (800) 355-8932.

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